Ecclesiastes Week 10 - The King and God

Feb 5, 2025    Erik Miller

In this section, Solomon explores a common question we all ask; Why? What in the world is God doing? Why are outcomes so unpredictable? Why isn’t there a formula for a good life?

Sometimes as Solomon ponders the things he has witnessed, he draws fatalist and incorrect conclusions about God, His Kingdom, and what we can hope for. We cannot measure God’s character by what happens in life, we must measure God’s love, His justice, His Mercy, and His care by what Jesus did on the cross. We must measure God’s power, His rule, and His victory by Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. While there are principles that do work (sin hurts people) and at times predictable outcomes (gravity causes things to fall), life remains confusing at times. Our hope is in the unchanging character of God. He is for us and He loves us. He alone has the power to make all things new, set all things right, and bring about good in any and every circumstance.

Prepare for this week’s message by reading and reflecting on Ecclesiastes 8:2-9:12