John 21:1-25 || Sermon 05/26/24

May 26, 2024    Erik Miller

This final chapter in John is the account of Jesus’ 3rd appearance to the disciples after He was raised from the dead. The scene begins with a miracle that mirrors the way He called the first disciples: Simon (Peter), James, and John. (Luke 5:1-11) Then we move to a gathering around a fire and a conversation with Peter that feels a similar to another recent time Peter sat at a fire (John 18:15-27). We end the book with an intimate conversation between Peter and Jesus alongside John’s final summary of all he has told us.


Be encouraged with us by Jesus’ personal, specific, and restorative action and conversation with His closest friends. Prepare for this week’s message by reading John 21:1-25 with Luke 5:1-11 & John 18:15-27.